Star Wars: X-wing Miniatures Game - Inquisitor's

Star Wars: X-wing Miniatures Game - Inquisitor's

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Description from the publisher:

Personally tasked by Darth Vader to eliminate any surviving Jedi Knights, the Inquisitor had access to the Empire’s most advanced technologies, including the TIE Advanced prototype, a groundbreaking improvement over the TIE fighter designs of its time.

In X-Wing, this lethal starfighter appears as a carefully detailed and pre-painted miniature at 1/270 scale, along with four ship cards, including one for the Inquisitor himself.

Additionally, the Inquisitor's TIE Expansion Pack contains five upgrades, a maneuver dial, and all the tokens you need to launch into space and pursue your foes through the stars!

This is not a complete game experience. A copy of the X-Wing Miniatures Game Core Set is required to play.