Star Wars - The Card Game: Attack Run

Star Wars - The Card Game: Attack Run

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Description from the publisher:

Relive the climax of Star Wars: A New Hope with Attack Run, the fourth Force Pack in the Rogue Squadron cycle for Star Wars: The Card Game.

Within this Force Pack, you’ll find new versions of iconic heroes and villains, alongside the starships they fly.

This Force Pack continues the main themes of the Rogue Squadron cycle with pilots like Luke Skywalker, Darth Vader, and Boba Fett.

Whether you pilot Slave I for the Scum and Villainy of the galaxy or fly a B-wing with Keyan Farlander, you’ll find cards to support your affiliation of choice with the ten objective sets (two copies each of five unique sets) in this Force Pack.

Evade authorities with the Smugglers and Spies, pilot Vader’s unique TIE Advanced, or fly into the Death Star’s vulnerable trench and start your Attack Run!

This is not a stand-alone deck. A Star Wars: The Card Game Core Set is required to play.