Lord of the Rings LCG - Nightmare Deck: Return to Mirkwood

Lord of the Rings LCG - Nightmare Deck: Return to Mirkwood

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A harder challenge for your Lord of The Rings Card Game Adventures.

Nightmare Decks for The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game allow players to revisit their favorite scenarios cast in the shadows of the game's challenging Nightmare Mode. Featuring deadlier enemies, darker locations, and more terrifying surprises, each Nightmare Deck introduces new, alternate encounter cards and instructions for using them to reshape a scenario's encounter deck. The result? A nightmarish journey through territory players thought they knew, but with new twists and turns that will have them on the edges of their seats!

Each Nightmare Deck comes with twenty new encounter cards to add to the matching original quest, as well as a Nightmare Mode card that explains which older cards are removed from the original set-up and a card providing additional game rules.