Game of Thrones LCG: Ghosts of Harrenhal

Game of Thrones LCG: Ghosts of Harrenhal

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Description from the publisher:

The War of the Five Kings has utterly reshaped the face of the Seven Kingdoms. Though Joffrey still sits enthroned in King’s Landing, Stannis Baratheon is quickly approaching by land and by sea.

Renly Baratheon has been assassinated, leaving the might of Highgarden temporarily leaderless. And in the Riverlands, the cursed and twisted stronghold of Harrenhal has passed back and forth between House Stark and House Lannister.

As the War of the Five Kings has touched every corner of Westeros, you’ll find plenty of new cards in this expansion that interact with the King trait, while other cards help you counter the drastic bloodshed of Valar Morghulis.

Finally, you’ll encounter plenty of iconic characters in this Chapter Pack, including Roose Bolton, Brienne of Tarth, Craster, Ser Davos Seaworth, Joffrey Baratheon, and Myrcella Baratheon.